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What is Insulation?

Published Date : 2018-07-03


Insulation refers to the process of preventing a certain form of energy from spreading all over a specific surface. It could also imply the segregation of two different bodies to prevent the flow of energy. For instance, the isolation of a certain material from non conductors to effectively deter the transfer of heat, electricity or sound is a form of insulation. There are different categories of insulation. This includes thermal insulation, electrical insulation, glazing insulation, acoustic insulation and building insulation. Thermal insulation and electrical insulation have been predominantly known for their rampancy and demand in various sectors. They have gotten advanced over the years with the advent of various technological advancements to meet the requirements of the contemporary world.  

Thermal insulation:

Insulation through gaseous molecules:

Thermal refers to heat energy and apparently thermal insulation refers to the prevention of heat transfer between objects of varying temperatures. These materials are said to be in a range of radiative influence or in thermal contact. Gaseous molecules cannot conduct heat appropriately and are the ideal choices for insulation purposes in comparison with liquid and solid molecules. Gaseous molecules are trapped and disrupted into small cells so as to enhance the rate of insulation. The presence of very little density difference in small cells could effectively drive the rate of insulation.

Applications of thermal insulation:

Thermal insulation is required in pipe insulation systems, space craft, refrigeration systems, automotive systems and buildings. Building insulation and insulated glazing have significant importance in being segregated fields of thermal insulation in terms of rampancy amongst civil engineers. Insulated glazing refers to the process of insulating window construction whilst building insulation as a whole is performed to enhance the comfort and energy efficiency quotient in a newly constructed building.

Electrical insulation:

Electrical insulators have been prominently applied in various sectors to prevent the leakage of electricity. They are essentially used in electrical equipment to patronize and segregate electrical conductors without permitting electric current to pass through themselves. The electric power distribution or transmission lines to utility poles and transmission towers have consistently required the usage of electrical insulators. The lack in cautious measures could result in detrimental morality. Hence, electrical insulation has been pondered quintessential. There are different classes of electrical insulators. This encompasses post insulators, pin type insulators, suspension insulators, strain insulators, and shackle insulators.

Acoustic insulation:

Sound proofing or acoustic insulation is commonly performed to minimize the sound pressure that arises out of various sources. Noise barriers are generally preferred to resolve this purpose. Noise control has been predominantly required in automotive applications, residential and commercial applications.

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