February 2019
There are many organic compounds which are so indispensable in the preparation many useful components and chemicals. An organic compound is a chemical compound that contains a carbon atom or a chain of carbon atoms.
February 2019
Bioplastics are utilized for expendable things, for example, bundling, ceramics, cutlery, pots, bowls, and straws. Hardly any business applications exist for bioplastics.
February 2019
Bio-based PET when looked at the application level has been primarily used for packing carbonated soft drinks (CSD also known as aerated drinks) and alcoholic beverages including wine and beer.
January 2019
Biomimetic, otherwise called bionics, biognosis, or biomimicry, is the utilization and execution of ideas and standards from nature to making new materials, gadgets and frameworks. This adjustment of techniques and frameworks found in nature into engineered builds is attractive on the grounds that developmental weight commonly powers regular frameworks to wind up very streamlined and proficient.
December 2018
Flooring generally refers to the finishing given to any floor surface to enhance the quality of walking through regulation of friction and other such factors.
November 2018
Glycerol refers to a polyol compound that has been extensively used in food and pharmaceutical industries. They are prevalently found in all triglycerides.
November 2018
Polyethylene glycol is a compound with rampant industrial applications and medicinal applications. They are polyether compounds that are also known as polyoxyethylene (POE) or polyethylene oxide (PEO) on the basis of their molecular weight.
November 2018
Air filter is necessary to eliminate the presence of solid particulates such as mould, dust, bacteria, and pollen in air. Hence, they are known as particulate air filters. Typical air filters are composed of fibrous materials in order to remove the presence of solid particulates. Air filters commonly employ pleated paper filters.
October 2018
Precision medicine refers to a medical model which demands the customization and personalization of the health care sector and facilities. This model believes that there should be a change in the treatments, medical decisions, medical opinions or medical products according to the need of an individual patient.
October 2018
Pharmacy automation is the process of automating or involving mechanical ways of managing and distributing medicines rather than the manual traditional way.