August 2017
Wound closure techniques have been followed since ages to deter the excessive loss of blood and over time, new methodologies have been formulated for effective prevention of blood loss. Advanced wound closure products employ efficient ways in deterring the loss of blood caused due to chronic wounds; and relatively reduces the healing time and expenditure.
August 2017
Filling equipment is a machine which is applied in the packaging of different products, primarily in case of beverages and food items. The container which is required to fill the product can take the shape of bag or bottle which depends on the filled material. These equipments generally find applications in the manufacturing industry in promoting efficiency and quality of the processes involved in manufacturing.
August 2017
Extremities generally refers to the parts of the body entailing arms, forearms, hands, knees, hips, ankle joints and bones of foot, leg and thigh. The parts in the upper limb region are known to be as upper extremities, whilst parts in the lower limb region are known to be as lower extremities. The increasing health related conditions pertaining to the appendage of the body, has consequently flourished the growth rate of this market sector.
August 2017
Orthopedic braces and supports are gadgets or tools used for the protection of muscles and joints essentially to strengthen them after injury period. Sports players are the predominant users of these devices, as they often end up being succumbed to these injuries. Patient after care and prophylaxis of injuries place these devices as pre-requisites in any sort of hospitalization to rehabilitation period.
August 2017
The application of adhesives and sealants is familiar to all of us as we use them in day-to-day lives for a wide range of activities. Adhesive is substance that is used on a surface of two different items in order to bind them together and avert separation, while sealants are substances that are utilized for blocking fluids through an opening surface.
August 2017
Dental implants and prosthesis are prosthesis that are inside the mouth and are used repair, restore and reconstruct intraoral issues and defects such as missing parts of the teeth missing hard or soft structures of the palate and the jaw or a missing tooth. Prosthodontics is known to be the dental specialty that specifically aims on dental prosthesis. Prosthesis as such is utilized to improve chewing,aesthetics and speech.
August 2017
Drug device combination also referred to as combination product is a product that includes a medical device and drug or biologic. The drug-eluting stent is one of the best examples of drug device combination, which is a drug coated with scaffold and is used for preventing scar tissue growth in artery. However, the drug-eluting stent is a basic example of drug device combination, the ultimate example of the drug device combination is what is being is noticed in biomedical nanotechnology and tissue engineering which is also termed regenerative medicine.
August 2017
An edge connector is the part of printed circuit board that contains traces that lead to the brink of the board that are used to plug into a socket that matches. These edge connectors are extremely durable and robust; they are devices which save money as they need only an individual female connector. They are generally used in expansion slots and computers for peripheral cards like AGP cards, PCI express and PCI.
August 2017
Loss of hearing is a result of impairment of the hearing ability, partially or totally. This can occur due to hereditary or non-hereditary factors. Certain complications that arise during the period of pregnancy or childbirth can also be the reason behind this impairment. It can also occur as an acquired result of few diseases that are infectious which include measles, meningitis and several other ear infections that grow to be chronic.
August 2017
Wireless Brain Sensors also known as has grown drastically in recent years and is an emerging technology. Wireless brain sensors provide a channel for communication to people who make the use of it. It is used to measure neurophysiological signals of the brain, electroencephalogram in specific. Wireless brain sensors are used to monitor temperature and intracranial pressure.